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Alternatively, if you’re ready to make some real and lasting change to your love life, hit the button below to commence your application and we’ll be in touch to arrange your next steps!

Dating For Love offers private 3 or 6 month coaching packages specifically designed for people who want to create and experience a healthy and secure, meaningful long-term relationship.

Just like any meaningful endeavour, achieving results requires time and commitment - especially, if this is something you have been struggling with for years. For this reason, we only work with 1:1 clients who are ready to dedicate a minimum of 3 months to this process. As our capacity is limited, places aren’t always available and when they are, they often fill quickly.

Our 1:1 sessions provide tailored support in helping you to overcome the specific blocks and barriers that are holding you back from making real and lasting changes. Packages also include lifetime access to our signature courses, providing you with key relationship knowledge and a road map for your dating life.

The price of these 1:1 programs start at $5,500AUD (payment plans available). If this kind of investment is completely out of the question for you at the moment, we recommend considering our range of self-paced programs here.


Interested in 1:1 Coching?

Your Very Own, Personal Dating Coach

Most people who do the Initial Consult gain valuable insights and appreciate the support we can offer them going forward. Overall, we like to take a practical approach to growth and will support you in actioning the necessary strategies to achieve your personal and relationship goals.



This initial session lays the foundation for any future work we do and ensures we're good match before committing to one of our coaching programs. For this reason, it is billed separately, without any obligation to continue. During this session, we will meet online to review your dating history, identify any patterns, establish our main goals for working together and create an action plan to make the most of the intensive program.

Initial Consult


Step one: Fill out our application form. This will help us to assess weather coaching is a good fit for you before you lay any money down. After reviewing your application, we will match you with a coach and invite you to book in an Initial Consult (as long as we feel confident that we can help you).




Apply for 1:1 coaching here

Relationship growth (support for couples already in long-term relationships)

Support for people in new relationships

Improving your social skills and expanding your friendship network

Understanding the opposite sex and how to connect on a deeper level

Creating the foundations for a healthy relationship

Implementing healthy boundaries

Creating sustainable attraction dynamics (cultivating chemistry)

Overcoming toxic relationship patterns

Making the most of offline dating opportunities

Improving your online dating profile

Examples of the sorts of topics we cover with our clients:

Most relationship coaches for men don't include their prices on their website. I prefer to be upfront about your investment.

Working with me is more than a simple time-for-money equation. I am 100% committed to getting you results which is why it's never just the hour that we connect for a session, but also the time I spend between sessions considering your needs and providing support and extra resources via email.

You may also want to take a moment to consider how much time and frustration you will save yourself by getting some expert dating guidance. My clients often describe the work that we do as an invaluable asset to their personal development.

Price making you hesitate?


apply now!

This price is also redeemable on any of our online courses.


Initial Consult

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Are you ready to attract more love into your life?


kind words

Sheridan, 34 | teacher

I was single for about 10 years before I started working with Jiveny and felt like I had lost my way. I wanted to feel more grounded, trust in my decision making and be genuinely confident and happy with who I was so that I could meet someone to share my life with, but constant overthinking, self sabotage and lack of solid boundaries were holding me back.

Since working with Jiveny, I have developed a relationship with a man who lights up my soul and my smile. He is someone I can fully be myself around, who I can lean on and who I have so much fun and adventure with. He is like no-one I have met before and he brings out a better, stronger and more motivated version of myself and I couldn’t feel more grateful for the relationship we have. After 3 years of dating, we’re now married and parents to a beautiful baby girl!

If I hadn’t made the choice to work with Jiveny, I think I would have continued with the uncertainty, self sabotage and the feeling of being stuck for a long time.

Since working with Jiveny I have developed a relationship with a man who lights up my soul and my smile.


Given many of my early dating experiences were negative (being rejected, ghosted and the like) combined with a lack of relationship experience, I soon realised success would have been difficult to achieve on my own.

These negative experiences were also taking a toll on my self-esteem which I knew if left unaddressed could contribute to a further negative spiral and lead me to give up on dating all together.

If I hadn’t made the choice to work with Joe, I think I would have found dating even more daunting and been much more dismissive of myself - maybe I would have given up on dating all together! I’ve since met a gorgeous woman who I can genuinely see a great future with. We’re now in a committed relationship and I enjoy spending time with her.

Now I have a much greater awareness of relationships and feel more confident in myself.

Stacey, 34 | Senior Ministerial Adviser

Most of us have not learnt how to date ‘well’ or with clarity or intention. As they say: luck is not a strategy! Between therapy and talking about your dates with your friends, there is an important but untapped space. Jiveny fills this gap, empowering you to tackle the often confusing world of dating and relating with insight and intention. Her coaching equips you with a different kind of confidence and poise that comes from having a handle on some fundamental relationship truths and wisdom.

Now I don’t second guess my partner’s express interest, affection and devotion to me! I feel cherished and adored and cared for in my relationship. I am also getting more comfortable with letting my partner ‘lead’, though it’s still a work in progress! Most of all, I am confident that we are building a sustainable relationship that will carry us throughout our lives; that we are methodically exploring the right and important ‘big questions’ around values, goals and our life journey together.

I credit Jiveny & The Alchemy of Attraction course with setting me up for long-term, sustainable success with my now husband who is literally the man of my dreams.


Some people might consider the idea of a dating coach to be ‘lame,’ but the truth is that the majority of men out there are quite clueless when it comes to dating. I know this because I was one of those men.

While you may eventually learn how to date well through trial and error, working with Joe can greatly expedite the process..

Working with Joe makes me feel like I am able to take manageable steps towards my goals of becoming socially confident and taking control of my dating life.

MARGARET, 73 | RETIRED Researcher

Before I started to work with Jiveny, I was always seeming to be attracted to men who were unavailable. At age 69, I also thought I was much too old to find a loving, committed relationship. But age really does not come into it and I learned that by working and connecting with Jiveny.

At the time, I also felt quite negatively about myself. Yet Jiveny’s support, encouragement and wisdom meant that overtime, I again was able to change my view of myself.

Now I’m in a relationship with a really lovely man. He ticks all of the boxes that I was looking for - he’s good at communicating and listening, secure in himself, warm, affectionate and both interesting and interested in many things. We've been together for nearly 3 years now and I can really truthfully say that this is a relationship which is so satisfying and fulfilling – more than I ever thought a relationship could be. It’s just the most extraordinary experience!

“I used to think relationships just weren’t for me and that I was too old to find a loving, committed relationship. Now I’m in a relationship with a really lovely man. This is a relationship which is so satisfying & fulfilling - more than I ever thought it could be!”

patrick, 37 | teacher

In the past I’d had lots of short relationships and hook-ups as I struggled with neediness, keeping the relationship fun, being monogamous and feeling secure and worthy of a relationship.

Learning about the archetypes in the order that they are presented really opened my eyes to my dating strategy and what needed to change to serve my mission for lasting romance.

Since working with Joe, life's pretty great and I’m dating a woman I'm pretty into right now which feels really supportive and deep as well as fun and silly

I appreciate the dedication Joe has to this work as it clearly springs from his own dedication to be the best man he can be.


Jiveny has a warm and non-judgmental approach to coaching. I found it fascinating how her questions opened up new possibilities that could be applied to my relationship with my partner immediately. I felt very comfortable working together as I could see that Jiveny really does care about helping people to have a great relationship - with full expression, while honouring each other’s wants and needs.

Thank you for your gift to the world. It is needed now more than ever before as many of us have very poor education and awareness when it comes to navigating the most intimate relating we will ever do!

A warm and non-judgemental approach to coaching


After achieving many of my career goals, I started to really feel the absence of a life partner and how my life could be more fun and lively if I had someone special to share it with.

Joe is kind and genuine – that’s why I started doing coaching with him. I’ve learned a lot from him and think he is a fantastic coach. He is genuinely interested in helping me, and good at understanding the kinds of feelings I'm going through.

I've learned a lot from Joe and think he's a fantastic coach!


Before working with Jiveny I had experienced a handful of serious relationships that I had mostly sabotaged. I was also in these relationships for the wrong reasons so I guess they were destined to fail.

I found the work I did with Jiveny ground breaking. I was finally able to get to the bottom of the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ regarding my failed relationships. She was able to help me to open myself to what I really wanted and let go of what wasn’t working.

I have since found a lifelong partner who I have started a family with. Applying the things I learned from Jiveny to the early stages of our relationship really helped us to progress our connection in a much healthier way. We’ve been together for four years now and have one-year-old twin baby girls. My partner is loyal beyond words - this was something I haven’t really ever been able to say before. He puts his family first and is such a loving and involved father.

I found the work I did with Jiveny ground breaking and have since found a lifelong partner who I have started a family with.

I did not have good relationship modelling from my parents, which Joe has helped me understand. He's given me a healthier framework that I can use to assess future potential partners.

Without having done this work, I can guarantee that I would still be making the same mistakes. It's a challenge but I now believe that something better is waiting for me.

Before working with Joe, I was always pursuing women that made me feel crazy and led to toxic relationships

Lauren, 33 | digital Marketing Executive

Before working with Jiveny I had just come out of a 6-year relationship and was realising I didn’t want to repeat the same mistakes or be with that kind of person again. After working with Jiveny I experienced a major shift in my dating behaviour. I was much more able to identify partners that were not suitable for me and avoid them, as well as understand how to navigate dating better and really get to know a partner as we built the connection.

Best of all this journey has led me to a healthy, fulfilling relationship where I feel a new awareness and confidence! I know what I want and deserve in a partner and I am able to bring my best self to the relationship. I didn’t think it was truly possible to find this kind of relationship before working with Jiveny.

I didn’t think it was truly possible to find this kind of relationship before working with Jiveny.


Ben, 26 | LAWYER

Thanks to our sessions, I learned how to step out of my comfort zone and build confidence in social settings. I also found the courage to pursue a crush, and it has turned out to be reciprocated.

Fast forward to today: I’m in a secure, committed relationship with an incredible woman I met through a trivia night at my cricket club. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted—intelligent, kind, and effortlessly stunning. For the first time, I’ve been able to fully be myself in a relationship, sharing openly and feeling truly seen.

Your coaching helped me recognise opportunities and take risks I never would have before, like pursuing her despite my doubts. What started as a shy crush has blossomed into a deeply fulfilling connection. I’ve gone from feeling lost to experiencing the kind of love story I’d always dreamed of—one that feels real, authentic, and most of all, mutual. I can’t thank you enough for guiding me to this moment. It’s seriously changed my life!

When I first started coaching with Joe, I was shy, defeatist, and lacked direction in dating. I never imagined how much things could change.


I was disillusioned with my dating life and seeking a long-term healthy relationship so I contacted Jiveny. From our very first session, I felt comfortable and excited to begin working with her.

Through our work, she helped me identify my barriers, clarify what I wanted in a partner and what a healthy relationship looked like. I was also able to identify the mistakes I had been making. This work has really helped me to developed much more confidence in dating and relationship and I was excited to put what we worked on into practice.

I am now in the best relationship I have ever had and excited for the future. I attribute this to the work I did with Jiveny. Whether you are in the dating world or in a relationship, I would not hesitate in recommending Jiveny. She has changed my life for the better, making me the happiest I’ve been in a long time.

Jiveny has changed my life for the better, making me the happiest I’ve been in a long time.


Before working with Jiveny I was struggling with choosing the wrong men and navigating my insecurities. I wanted a serious, committed relationship but I often had trouble keeping guys interested or would wind up chasing them away. Other times, I would go for an easy guy who liked me (which was never very satisfying).

Since working together, I’ve noticed a huge shift in my mindset and approach to dating for the better. I’m much more able to manage my reactions and approach, allowing the guys I am interested in to come to me.

I’ve now met a great guy who is proactive in building a healthy relationship with me and who puts effort in to keep things fun and interesting. Even better he also takes an interest in personal development and makes open communication feel effortless and natural. Overall, I have been amazed with how much I have learnt and progressed and I cannot recommend Jiveny highly enough!

 I have been amazed with how much I have learnt and progressed.


I would definitely recommend Jiveny to anyone looking for support in their own journey of personal growth. I have found that working with her has made an astronomical difference to my dating life and the relationships I have with my work colleagues and family members.

I have always appreciated Jiveny's approach to understanding what I need and tailoring our sessions accordingly. Jiveny has also offered additional resources for those like me, who love to self learn. All in all, my work with Jiveny has fundamentally changed the way I view the world around me for the better.

Working with Jiveny has made an astronomical difference to my dating life and the relationships


Before working with Jiveny I struggled to attract men who I was genuinely interested in; and whenever I managed to, I found it to be quite the challenge to hold their interest. It made me feel afraid and unworthy constantly; like I needed to prove my worth whenever I felt the other person was uninterested.

I craved to be part of a healthy, committed relationship without having to carry the baggage I’d collated over the years of my childhood. Jiveny has done wonders in showing me where my inner strength was hiding and I learned that it is possible for my wants and needs to be met in a relationship. I’m now 13 months into a new relationship that is healthy and fulfilling and I’d highly recommend Jiveny for anyone looking to refocus their minds and hearts. 

I craved to be part of a healthy, committed relationship without having to carry the baggage I’d collated over the years of my childhood.


Before working with Jiveny I had been meandering the online dating circuit for about 18 months with no real luck beyond a third date. Jiveny helped me to understand the destructive patterns I had created for myself and assisted me in developing a greater awareness of the ways in which I was self-sabotaging my love life.

Throughout our sessions together, I felt a genuine sense of care from Jiveny and never rushed. Her course materials and resources are fantastic and really helped me to get clear on what I want from a relationship and why. The best support has been in understanding the decisions I have made and how these have drawn the wrong kinds of people to me in the past. The tools she has given me to navigate dating and relationships are invaluable.

Best of all, I am now in a healthy long-term relationship with a wonderful man.

The tools she has given me to navigate dating and relationships are invaluable.


Jiveny gave me permission to speak openly about some of my deepest fears, anxieties, desires and dreams and was completely present with me as I talked. Her questions guided me to self-assess and reflect on my own beliefs and attitudes in ways that I had never considered before.

Through this, I discovered new ways to think about and overcome habitual thought patterns that had been preventing me from self-acceptance. Most of all, Jiveny helped me identify the deeper core feelings and unmet needs stopping me from living my life fully. After our coaching sessions I've felt a deeper sense clarity, confidence and a true sense of empowerment.

Clarity, confidence and a true sense of empowerment


Jiveny has helped me understand that I needed to work on myself and improve certain areas of my life which I had pushed aside as ‘not important’. Working on these areas has helped me become a more confident person, removed some of my social anxiety and assisted me to step outside of my comfort zone.

Since working together, I have improved my flirting skills and general conversation skills. I have also recognised that most women want a man to take the first step and approach. Together we have worked on developing stronger leadership skills, better understanding women and growing my internal confidence. This has put me in a better position to find the right partner that will complement me in life and has made the dating process a lot easier.

I have improved my flirting and general conversation skills.


When I first started working with Jiveny I was plagued with anxiety that I would never get to have a proper girlfriend. I had low self-esteem and struggled with anxiety.

Well to go straight to the biggest point – after working with Jiveny I soon met someone and now we are building a life together. I’ve also worked through some of the intimacy issues that I have had in the past.

This work has allowed me to become a lot more conscious of myself and how I am feeling, taking the time out to ask myself how I am each day. This has really helped to manage my anxiety. Overall, I found working with Jiveny very helpful.

From anxious to a happy, healthy relationship


I found working with Jiveny was a valuable process of self discovery. It was helpful to learn the small things that can really make a difference in meeting someone as well as strategies to detach from the outcome of an interaction and be more present with women. The insights and exercises helped me to understand the sorts of things I'd done wrong in the past that most women aren't going to overlook.

Her female perspective was helpful because there are just some things we don't learn or pick up on along the way - sometimes someone actually needs to tell us directly. Also, while Jiveny's coaching is primarily focused on helping us to meet people and find that special someone, I found it also gave me a vehicle to figure out the sort of life I want to be living and how to be happy with or without a partner.

Her female perspective was helpful because there are just some things we don't learn or pick up on along the way


Jiveny’s support has bolstered my confidence in building future relationships, guiding me along the right path and imparting invaluable insights on the journey ahead. I am extremely grateful for Jiveny's invaluable guidance and support throughout the past year that helped me achieve significant personal development. Recently, I found someone with whom I share a deep connection and I’m thrilled to announce we are now in a committed relationship!

I hope more people can benefit from her work – I highly recommended it!

Now, I approach dating with more confidence and optimism, and feel much more well equipped to create a healthy relationship.

Apply for 1:1 coaching here

It's time to get the love you really want!