How to play smart and win big in love even if the odds feel stacked against you.

King of Hearts

free dating MASTERCLASS

Uncover the strategy to make the most of modern dating and attract higher-quality dates so that you can stop feeling disappointed with your love life and instead, start to experience the relationship you’ve always wanted.

Join me for this brand new
free training

Join me for this brand new
60-minute free training

Thursday the 10th of August at 7:00 PM AEST

Over recent years there’s been some big changes to the ways in which singles approach dating and relationship building…

Experiencing a healthy, satisfying relationship is still possible.

…But the strategy behind how you approach the modern dating scene has never been more important.

Today we live in the most experimental era when it comes to navigating relationships – it's no wonder a lot of people are struggling to find a life partner.

Technology has changed, yet many of our expectations have remained the same, leaving people confused about how to actually create a satisfying relationship.

When dating apps like Tinder first began to enter the scene in 2012, many people thought it would make our love lives easier…

Fast forward 11 years and most people are feeling burnt out and frustrated with modern dating and all the flakiness, breadcrumbing and ghosting that goes with it.

And as time ticks on, many people are feeling defeated and on the verge of giving up on dating all together.

Yet we humans are wired for connection – it’s completely natural to want to seek out companionship!

The good news?

Register for this Masterclass 

Thursday the 10th of August at 7:00 PM AEST

In just 60 minutes, you’ll learn:

It’s time to stop treating dating as a blind guessing game. In this masterclass, I’ll give you the framework I’ve used to turn my own love life around and reliably support my clients into the relationship of their dreams.

The skills you’ve been looking for to end your loneliness

If you’ve been struggling to get past a certain stage of dating, you don’t want to miss this section!

The 3 pillars of dating and relationship success!

Spoiler: You don’t need to "be more alpha" or learn pickup artist tactics to get into a satisfying relationship. (In fact, we recommend you steer clear of this terrible advice!) Instead, I’ll share the shifts you need to make to attract higher quality dates and have them recognise you as proper dating material.

How to make the most of the modern dating scene in 2023

They worry too much about things like they’re not attractive enough, manly enough, young enough, loveable enough, or that there just aren’t enough quality women available on the dating scene.

But what has become blatantly obvious to me over the years is how our ‘strategy’ (the way we approach dating and attempt to connect with others) underpins all of our biggest struggles in relationships.

And without an effective dating strategy, you’ll never get to experience a healthy, secure and passionate life-partner relationship.

The good news is, dating and relationship success CAN be learned - and that's exactly what I want to share with you in this 45-minute webinar!

So, if you’d like to feel happy, content, and at peace that you’re on the path towards good love, take advantage of this limited-time offer and...

Why join this webinar?

In my line of work I see many people blaming their ‘bad luck’ in dating on external factors...

You'll want to be a part of this if you are...

Ready to settle down with a life partner, but you just can’t seem to find them… 

Sick of attracting people who you don’t fancy much yourself (while struggling to get the interest of women you really like)

Struggling to make it past the third date without getting friend-zoned, “ghosted,” or things just fizzling out…

Over the un-necessary heartache that comes with trying to figure everything out on your own

Ready to take action and attract new love into your life now! 

If you're ready to unpack what's been missing from your dating strategy, transform your approach and go to the next level in your relationships, I can help you. 

I have years of experience as a coach and delving into what makes a successful relationship, as well as being the husband and collaborator of a leading dating & attraction coach. I'm the co-founder of the Dating for Love courses for men and women, designed to help participants get clear on their boundaries, develop inner self-confidence and create a plan for welcoming good love into their lives.

Stop repeating the same old approach and try something that has been shown to work time and time again. I'll show you how to identify the patterns holding you back and adapt your approach to dating in a way that feels natural and empowering. 

A dating and attraction coach for single men who are wanting to attract and build a satisfying long-term relationship.

Hi, I'm Joe